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    • Ico Science Science
    • 14-16
    • 25

Safety at work

  of  3

Teacher information

Applied Science courses recommend that students should make a visit to some aspect of the scientific industry to investigate Health and Safety regulations and processes. Unfortunately, such visits are often difficult to organise, especially for large parties of students. To partly address this need, this module leads students through the legal aspects of the Health and Safety regulations; the concept of risk assessments and how to develop them. The use of safety signs greatly adds to the reduction of hazards.

A virtual tour of a corridor and two laboratories can be used to show signs in context.

Resources for students and teachers support the activities.

Safety signs

There are lots of safety signs in industrial laboratories and corridors. These slides act as a virtual tour and give you the chance to see them and to find out more about them by considering the questions posed.

Take a look at the slides and explore the safety signs found within industrial laboratories and corridors.

Teachers may want to use the whole presentation, or select a few slides, which can be printed off, perhaps laminated and used as a classroom "circus" exercise in which students collect like signs or create short presentations on a few of them.

Risk assessment

This task investigates risk assessment procedures and how they can be applied to a variety of situations both in and out of the work environment.

Safety Signs

The safety of a workplace is increased by the presence of safety signs. There is a standard for sign design and so everyone recognises them easily. During the period 2009 - 2015 the standard European signs are gradually being replaced by new international signs - both are shown in the materials on this website. 

Hazard Symbols

Task and notes