This topic takes on average 55 minutes to read.
There are a number of interactive features in this resource:
Glossary: Any word with a glossary entry is highlighted like this. Moving the mouse over the highlighted word will show a definition of that word.
Animations: This topic has features with which you can interact, these are usually animations. Most of the animations can be expanded to full screen size, on a new window, ideal for showing on an interactive whiteboard. The animations will play all the way through or can be viewed one section at a time.
Downloads: Teachers can download individual diagrams, animations and other content from the Download Library area of the website. Terms and Conditions apply.
Activity: We propose an activity to help the students further consolidate their understanding of the topic.
Discussion point: We provide a point for discussion on this topic.
All the interactive activities of this topic are also provided as worksheets, available in both pdf and word formats: